Today Mattias turned 1 week old! It’s amazing how fast time flies. It’s been a really fun week. Fredrik and I have managed to lead somewhat normal lives. We have been out to eat, grocery shopping, taken a trip to Fredrik’s work and visited the doctor for a check-up. The doctor said that Mattias is perfect (as we already knew) and is gaining weight at a good pace. He is already up over his birth weight – weighing in at a heafty 3230 grams (up from 3220 grams at birth). Many babies take a couple of weeks to get up to their birth weight so the doctor was very satisfied with how he is growing.
He is obviously eating a lot which means that there are many diaper changes. Fredrik has been doing his fair share. I can’t believe that his paternity leave is already half over. It is a good thing my sister is coming this weekend.
When Mattias isn’t eating or having his diaper changed, this is his favorite place to be…